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JimBartlett beats Baesler 2 to 1

for ND GOP Letter of Support

Thank you to all the delates that voted for bringing back Truth and Reality with the 10 Commandments in ND public schools!  The delegates voted 967 to 426 (2.27:1) to support Jim Bartlett over Kirsten Baesler, the incumbent.

The grass roots seem to see that there are serious problems in the schools.

Key points of the speech include:

1. There is a leftist agenda in the schools using humanism, Marxism, Postmodernism.

2. Schools are failing their ND Constitutional mission of teaching morality and academics.

3. The ND Constitution has a Christian moral context, noticing the Webster's 1828 dictionary definitions for moral, good and evil come from scripture. Humanism is teaching students moral relativism, Marxism, and Anti-realism.

4. Returning to the Christian morals (a.k.a. Ten Commandments) intended by the ND Constitution, quickly sorts out the bad philosophies, returns the power of education to parents, reduces the size of government and increases the freedom to teach and learn. 

in Blog
JimBartlett beats Baesler 2 to 1
James Bartlett April 7, 2024
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